Our Services
Integrative Physical Therapy
Martha Spalding PT, IMT, NTP, FLT, is Body Center’s Physical Therapist. Martha graduated from Boston Conservatory with a BFA in dance. She provides an array of manual therapy techniques which…
Structural Therapy
We practice a form of structural massage called Neurosomatic Therapy. This type of clinical massage, founded by Paul St. John, begins with a very detailed postural analysis. We measure boney…
Our Pilates instructors come from the highly sought after Kane School of Core Integration. The Kane School in NYC is an elite training program combining classic Pilates principals with a…
Group Classes and Workshops
Intro to OOV Group Class with Tania Drago: December 20th 4:30pm – 5:30pm OOV certified pilates instructor Tania Drago will be guiding you through an introduction of OOV exercises designed…